Produktionsstätte Deutschland

Repair instead of discard

01.05.2020 | One key envir­on­mental aspect of products is their durability. This also applies to our LOWA footwear, all of which are known for their high quality and robustness. In addition, many of these shoes can be repaired in one way or another. By taking this step, we are making an active contri­bution to resource and envir­on­mental protection.

In today’s throw-away society, we replace many things much too quickly. We frequently forget that some things can actually be repaired. It is a possibility that will save us some money in comparison to a new purchase as well as conserve resources and protect the envir­onment.

Our shoe repair shops at our home base in Jetzendorf, Germany, Interlaken, Switzerland, and St. Martin, Austria, are heavily used.

We resoled exactly

16.079 shoes

at our home base in Jetzendorf in 2019. A record! We had never resoled so many of our shoes before.


“With our repair service, we are responding to more and more customers’ desire for durable and, thus, sustainable products.”

Arthur | LOWA Manager Service Department

  • Image photo with the AEROX GTX LO, Family Shooting Heutal 2018

People who love their shoes will care for them

To extend the lives of the LOWA shoes that have grown so dear to our hearts, the footwear needs good and regular care. Such care will enable the shoes to remain comfortable and resistant to soiling and water.

To prevent shoe care products from harming the envir­onment unne­ces­sarily, we have completely reworked our own line of care products and dropped all PFCs (poly­flu­or­inated and perflu­or­inated chemicals). PFCs are a group of chemicals that are frequently used in outdoor and work clothing and as an impreg­nation solution because of their special prop­erties – they repel water, grease and grime. These chemicals are far from being harmless. They are hardly degradable and remain in the envir­onment for a long time. In our new care products, we have elim­inated these chemicals and replaced them with harmless substances. The new product LOWA Shoe Clean is composed of up to 90 percent natural ingredients like bamboo.


We are frequently asked whether our LOWA footwear can be materially recycled. On the basis of today’s tech­nology, it makes little sense from an energy point of view to recycle the footwear because the products are made of so many different materials. We regularly monitor devel­opments in this area and incor­porate any improvements here into our corporate respons­ibility strategy.