Speed hiking tips Fast-paced hiking

Image photo with the AXOS GTX LO Ws,

Speed hiking is a mix of intensive endurance sport and mountain hiking. People who perform speed hiking are primarily interested in the workout it provides. But the natural experience that goes along with the exertion is pretty nice, too. Contrary to what many people think, the aim of speed hiking is not to maintain a constantly high running speed for a long time. A hikers’ pace should be primarily set by his or her own indi­vidual physical condition. At first glance, speed hiking bears a strong resemblance to Nordic walking. But the simil­arities end once you start to talk about the terrain that the hikers use. We have compiled some important tips for you, information that will show you what matters most in speed hiking and outlines the things that you should pay attention to.

Image photo with the AXOS GTX LO,

Carefully plan your tour What does the right speed hiking tour for me look like?

As the name states, hikers who set off on these tours generally want to move along quite quickly. This means that the tours are usually more strenuous than, say, a classic hike is. For this reason, you really have to focus intensely on tour planning and then come up with the best possible approach to your outing.

Just like any hike, you should real­ist­ically assess your physical condition and avoid selecting a route that will require you to take on more than you can handle. Anyone who heads off to the mountains only every now and then should certainly not take on a multi-day speed hiking tour. The key aspect at this stage is to assess the distances as best as possible and to select shorter routes at the start.

Image photo with the AXOS GTX LO,

Listen to yourself and your body If you start to doubt yourself, take your foot off the gas

As we stated earlier, the appeal of speed hiking amounts to something more than the athletic thrill and a focus on best performance times. It really comes down to enjoying nature.

For this reason, we urge you to take your time and avoid going phys­ically overboard. You can have lots of fun by simply slowing down and taking the time to do such things as photograph a partic­ularly stunning sight that you encounter or take an extended lunch break. Remember that speed hiking, like all forms of hiking, has just one aim: The journey is the reward.

Image photo with the AXOS GTX LO Ws,

Be sure to wear the right footwear What type of shoes do I need for my speed hiking tour?

Speed hiking is no different from any other outdoor activity: Even the most awesome tours in the world cannot make up for the wrong pair of shoes. For this reason, you have to make sure that your shoes are not too heavy and have the appro­priate profile. By selecting the right footwear, you will have the grip and support you will definitely need during your speed hiking tour.

You should do one other critical thing as well: Break your shoes in ahead of time. This will ensure that your shoes feel good on your feet during the tour. Speed hikers who set off on a tour with brand new shoes can quickly experience an unpleasant surprise or two.

Our tip:

Think carefully ahead of time about the shoes that you want to wear on your tour. As a rule, your speed hiking shoes should be designed to handle some chal­lenging terrain and be lighter than your classic hiking boot. You should try on the shoes ahead of time and see how they feel.

Image photo with the MADDOX GTX LO Ws,

Limit yourself to the essentials Do I have the right gear for my speed hiking tour?

If you plan to take off on a speed hiking tour, there is one thing in particular that you have no use for: bulky, unne­cessary gear. This is why you should take along on the essentials and think carefully in advance about what essential means to you. The right planning will certainly pay off in these terms as well.

In addition to the typical items you need like your mobile and sufficient beverages, those things that should generally be taken on any hike, you will need certain equipment that is partic­ularly helpful in speed hiking. Poles are one such piece of equipment. They help to stabilise the body and offer some relief to the knees when you move downhill.